The Jomitek LDCS – The Lightning Down Conductor Sensor

User manual including installation instructions

Lightning Down Conductor Sensor (LDCS) User Manual

Datasheets including Jomitek product ID references

Product ID Product name Datasheet
J350 00051 002 LDCS-SENSOR

 Jomitek Lightning Down Conductor Sensor

J350 00021 001 LDCS-LOGIC
J730 00036 001 MAGNET-CABLE-TIE

Jomitek LDCS Cable Accessories

J710 00004 xxx LDCS-M12-CABLE
J720 00008 xxx LDCS-OPTICAL
J700 00010 xxx LDCS-ETH-RJ45IP67
J71000038003 C13-AC-POWER

Concept video

LDCS principle of operation